Time to Recharge:
Plant & Body Bars


Plant Bar

Come in anytime Tuesday through Saturday anytime between 11am and 4pm for a little garden therapy where you select your plants, choose your container and get to planting.

There will be plenty of inspiration from our library of garden books and magazines as well as the opportunity to get some advice from me, your favorite designer, in choosing what might work best for you and your space.

Plants and gardening is a pillar to creating harmony in our physical spaces and as well as our mind and spirit.

Body Bar

Blend your own essential oils with our oil on tap. Salt and sugar are available for you to create and concoct scrubs and rubs. Bring in your reusable container, bottle or mason jar to help eliminate single use bottle and make your essential oils more sustainable.

Want to bring a group of 4 or more people? Schedule your appointment.